

To The Army Guard; Harvard

Were that they who created leaders did not create the crisis to attribute the creation of leaders to themselves, such is a time of peace, and in that peace leaders were created whom did not create crisis, but discovered solutions to shortages of food, shortages of shelter, and shortages of water in peace, together, rather than separate.

Were that they who created leaders did not create the crisis by way raising a mountain peek to attribute the successful peak arrivers, having beaten their neighbors to the top, and in that peace, the mountain peaks of famine, disease, and the peak of competition, war, flattened, like the curve of a wave of pandemics.

Were that they who created leaders did not create the crisis to profit and gain from transaction of their development, in the maintenance of the castles and luxuries to reaffirm their place at the peak of their cultures. Trophies of stone, metals, and glass, arranged in beauty.

Were that they who created leaders did not create the crisis of a starved mass paying tribute to the creators of leaders by way of hidden and obscured knowledge of leadership gated by greater tributes unaffordable by the herds that would do better with it.

Were that they, not of people, nor of being, but a simple realization that greed, avarice, jealously, and stinginess were transformed to generosity, love, joy, and charity, then at the borders of peace, what was crisis, becomes mere nuisance, solved by no -ism, nor -ity, but by wisdom employing knowledge, liberated from ignorance.

Were that these be the leaders, of all beings, then there shall be peace, spread about the land.

Image is from Wikipedia; Bayeux Tapestry Scene of Battle of Hastings showing knights and horses.

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